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Panorama Hotel Conference center, Seinų str. 4, Vilnius and Online


9:00 – 17:15 Local time
8:00 – 16:15 CET

9:00 – 9:30

Opening of the conference

9:30 – 10:00

Children's Perspectives on the Issue of Bullying

Children’s Advisory Team, Childline, Lithuania

10:00 – 10:30

Bullying and Victimisation as Factors of Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional Health

Prof. Kastytis Šmigelskas, PhD

Principal Investigator of HBSC study in Lithuania, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

Experiences with preventing bullying based on a social turn in how bullying is viewed

Anne Sofie Juel Hansen
Project manager in the Mary Foundation, Denmark

Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov
Senior Advisor at Save the Children, Denmark

11:30 – 12:00

Norm critical approach a foundation for bullying prevention

Sara Sundell
Expert in Gender Equality and Equal Treatment, Folkhälsan, Finland

12:00 – 12:30

The role of parents

Ída Björg Unnarsdóttir
Project Manager of National Projects at Save the children, Iceland

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:00

The power of peers - Youth participation in bullying prevention

Anna-Kaisa Hiedanniemi (MA)
Lead Specialist in Finland’s largest child welfare organization, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL), Finland

14:00 – 14:30

Safe online – what works to prevent cyberbullying and what do youth recommend that we do?

Frida Warg
Head of Development at the Swedish bullying prevention organization Friends and the Managing Director of the global conference World Anti-Bullying Forum, Sweden

Lisen Bergquist
Head of Communications and Advocacy as well as Advisor on Child and Youth Participation at the Swedish bullying prevention organization Friends, Sweden

14:30 – 15:00

The Sámi Parliament`s work with the prevention of bullying and incitement for sámi children and young people from an Indigenous perspective

Wenche Andersen
Turid Vesterheim
Special Advisers in the Sámi Parliament´s administration, Norway

15:00 – 15:30

20 years of Childline's antibullying work: challenges and discoveries

Eglė Tamulionytė
Lecturer and Educator, she coordinates Lithuanian Childline‘s Campaign WITHOUT BULLYING, and also the implementation of the bullying prevention programme FRIENDS in Lithuania

Jurgita Smiltė Jasiulionė, PhD
Psychologist, Childline, Lithuania

15:30 – 16:00


16:00 – 17:00

Panel discussion: Shifting focus of bullying prevention?

Hannah Baarøy
Student, Partnership Against Bullying, Norway

Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov
Senior Adviser at Save the Children, Denmark

Robertas Povilaitis, PhD
Head of Childline, Lithuania

Virpi Pöyhönen, PhD
Senior specialist at the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL), Finland

Frida Warg
Head of Development at the Swedish bullying prevention organization Friends, Sweden

Moderated by Richardas Jonaitis
Radio ant television presenter

17:00 – 17:15

Closing of the conference

Opening of the conference


Robertas Povilaitis, PhD

Head of Childline

Frida Warg - pranešėja - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.

Frida Warg

Head of Development at Friends, Sweden

Participants of the conference opening

Ingrida Šimonytė - Lietuvos respublikos Ministrė pirmininkė

Ingrida Šimonytė

Prime Minister of Lithuania

Edita Žiobienė, PhD

The Ombudsperson for Children‘s Rights

Helén Nilsson

Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania

H. E. Ole Terje Horpestad

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway

Robertas Povilaitis, PhD

Head of Childline


Children's line advisor team, Lithuania

Presentation: Children’s Perspectives on the Issue of Bullying

Prof. Kastytis Šmigelskas, PhD

Principal Investigator of HBSC study in Lithuania, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Presentation: Bullying and Victimisation as Factors of Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional Health
The presentation will provide an overview of recent trends in the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Lithuania and neighboring countries. Special attention will be paid to bullying as a factor potentially influencing the psycho-emotional state of young people.

Rethinking bullying prevention


Trygve Beyer-Olsen

Political adviser at Skolelederforbundet, Norway

Viktorija Andreikėnaitė

Public Health Prevention Specialist, Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Lecturer, Lithuania


Anne Sofie Juel Hansen

Senior Project Manager at the Mary Foundation, Denmark

Presentation: Experiences with preventing bullying based on a social turn in how bullying is viewed​
As project manager in the Mary Foundation Anne Sofie Juel Adolfsen has been leading partnerships and projects promoting well-being and preventing bullying both internationally and in Denmark.
This presentation outlines the key learnings from working with the antibullying program, Free of Bullying. Free of Bullying is a pedagogical, value-based method that influences teaching practices and fosters an environment characterized by tolerance and inclusion. The program is based on the Scandinavian view of bullying as caused by damaging social processes and dysfunctional group dynamics.

Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov

Senior Advisor at Save the Children, Denmark

Presentation: Experiences with preventing bullying based on a social turn in how bullying is viewed 
Over the past nearly 20 years, Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov has been involved in projects and programs addressing children’s dissatisfaction and bullying. She serves as the project manager at Free of Bullying at Save the Children Denmark, where she has developed materials and tools to prevent and address bullying in a Danish context.
This presentation outlines the key learnings from working with the antibullying program, Free of Bullying. Free of Bullying is a pedagogical, value-based method that influences teaching practices and fosters an environment characterized by tolerance and inclusion. The program is based on the Scandinavian view of bullying as caused by damaging social processes and dysfunctional group dynamics.

Sara Sundell

Expert in Gender Equality and Equal Treatment, Folkhälsan, Finland

Presentation: Norm critical approach a foundation for bullying prevention
Sara Sundell has a long experience in equality work in schools and early childhood education, also as part of the bullying prevention work in the health organization Folkhälsan and nationally in Finland.
Part of the bullying among children and young people occurs when norms related to gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and functioning, among others, are violated. Norm-criticism and creativity are methods that can be employed both in schools and in early childhood education to prevent bullying and harassment, as well as to foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect. An online working material about norms will be presented.

Ída Björg Unnarsdóttir

Project Manager of National Projects at Save the children, Iceland

Presentation: The role of parents

Ída Björg’s main role at Save the Children is the prevention of bullying and sexual abuse. She has been working with the Free for Bullying project for one and a half years. Ída’s professional background is as a teacher, and she has served as both a teacher and a principal. She possesses extensive experience in working with parents when difficult issues have arisen in their children’s lives.

Description: The role of parents in the lives of young children is significant. Parents serve as role models for their children, and their opinions and behaviors often shape those of their offspring. During this presentation, we will discuss on several key questions:

  • What do parents need to consider to be good role models for their children?
  • How can they support their children’s social development and communication skills?
  • Furthermore, we will explore how parents can teach their children to care for others, be brave, respect others, and foster tolerance.

Exploring bullying prevention in various contexts


Tomas Baranovas - LEPTA vykdantysis direktorius

Tomas Baranovas

Chief Executive Officer at LEPTA, Lithuania

Marija Jakubauskienė, PhD

Associate Professor, VU Faculty of Medicine.


Anna-Kaisa Hiedanniemi

Lead Specialist, Peer support student program, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, Finland

Presentation: The power of peers – Youth participation in bullying prevention

Anna-Kaisa Hiedanniemi (MA) is a Specialist in Finland’s largest child welfare organization, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL).  She is responsible for the development and overall management of MLL’s Peer-Support-Student Program. This bullying prevention program has been extensively evaluated, well-acknowledged and is currently implemented in 93 % of Finnish high schools.

Bullying prevention in schools should be based on youth engagement and partnership between school staff, parents, and students. Beyond conventional anti-bullying efforts, the Peer Support Student Program approach offered by the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare advocates for a better learning environment with positive and supportive peer relationships and the creation of anti-bullying norms.

Frida Warg

Head of Development at the Swedish bullying prevention organization Friends and the Managing Director of the global conference World Anti-Bullying Forum

Presentation: Safe online – what works to prevent cyberbullying and what do youth recommend that we do?
Online spaces offer opportunities for communication and fun. But the online world is also fraught with risk. Cyberbullying is a growing problem, affecting as many as one in ten children. How can we help kids develop their own digital compasses and make informed, safe choices? And what do young people themselves think is important for staying safe online?

Lisen Bergquist

Head of Communications and Advocacy as well as Advisor on Child and Youth Participation at the Swedish bullying prevention organisation Friends

Presentation: Safe online – what works to prevent cyberbullying and what do youth recommend that we do?
Online spaces offer opportunities for communication and fun. But the online world is also fraught with risk. Cyberbullying is a growing problem, affecting as many as one in ten children. How can we help kids develop their own digital compasses and make informed, safe choices? And what do young people themselves think is important for staying safe online?

Wenche Andersen

Special Adviser in the Sámi Parliament´s administration, Norway

Her professional field also includes work at bullying prevention against children and young people.

Presentation: The Sámi Parliament`s s work with the prevention of bullying and sámi unity for sámi children and young people from an Indigenous perspective.

The presentation will be divided into two parts. The first part will be a short presentation on the Sami Parliament and Sami basic education in Norway. The second part will be about the work on bullying prevention and Sámi unity from an indigenous perspective.

Turid Vesterheim

Special Adviser in the Sámi Parliament´s administration, Norway

Her professional field also includes work at bullying prevention against children and young people.

Presentation: The Sámi Parliament`s s work with the prevention of bullying and sámi unity for sámi children and young people from an Indigenous perspective.

The presentation will be divided into two parts. The first part will be a short presentation on the Sami Parliament and Sami basic education in Norway. The second part will be about the work on bullying prevention and Sámi unity from an indigenous perspective.

Eglė Tamulionytė

Coordinator of Childline’s Campaign Without Bullying, Lithuania

Presentation: 20 years of Childline’s antibullying work: challenges and discoveries

When Childline launched the Without Bullying campaign in 2004, the term „bullying” seemed new and unfamiliar in Lithuania. In this presentation, we will explore the transformations that have occurred over the past 20 years of the campaign.

  • Is bullying currently acknowledged as a significant public health issue requiring systematic intervention?
  • To what degree has public awareness of bullying been heightened?
  • How effectively have schools in Lithuania implemented programs for preventing bullying?

Jurgita Smiltė Jasiulionė, PhD

Psychologist, Childline, Lithuania

Presentation: 20 years of Childline’s antibullying work: challenges and discoveries

Dr. Jurgita Smiltė Jasiulionė is one of the initiators and promoters of the WITHOUT BULLYING campaign in Lithuania. She has been involved in various anti-bullying projects and activities for almost 20 years.

When Childline launched the Without Bullying campaign in 2004, the term „bullying” seemed new and unfamiliar in Lithuania. In this presentation, we will explore the transformations that have occurred over the past 20 years of the campaign.

  • Is bullying currently acknowledged as a significant public health issue requiring systematic intervention?
  • To what degree has public awareness of bullying been heightened?
  • How effectively have schools in Lithuania implemented programs for preventing bullying?


Shifting focus of bullying prevention?

Anti-bullying initiatives in Lithuania are now in their 20th year, and have been ongoing even longer in the Nordic countries. The phenomenon of bullying has been consistently researched, and organizations involved in bullying prevention are focusing on tackling the problem not only at the national level but also internationally, through cooperation and the exchange of best practices. However, various national and international studies do not consistently show a reduction in bullying. The discussion will bring together the experiences of five Baltic and Nordic countries to address questions such as:

What is happening in our societies that bullying is not decreasing?

Why is it important to review the definition of bullying?

Where do we need to focus our efforts to achieve the ambition of all organizations working in the field of prevention - to live in a society where every child is protected from bullying?


Richardas Jonaitis

Richardas Jonaitis

Radio and television presenter


Hannah Baarøy - pranešėja - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.

Hannah Baarøy

Student, Partnership Against Bullying, Norway

Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov - pranešėja - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.

Signe-Marie Paludan Bøgeskov

Senior Adviser at Save the Children, Denmark

Robertas Povilaitis, PhD

Head of Childline, Lithuania

Virpi Pöyhönen MLL - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.

Virpi Pöyhönen, PhD

Senior specialist at the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL), Finland

Frida Warg - pranešėja - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.

Frida Warg

Head of Development at the Swedish bullying prevention organization Friends, Sweden

Hannah Baarøy

Student, Partnership Against Bullying, Norway

Hannah Baarøy has been the School Student Union of Norway representative in Partnership Against Bullying for almost two years. Last year, Hannah served on the executive board of the student union. She is still active in the Partnership Against Bullying, representing the voice of students.

Robertas Povilaitis, PhD

The head of Childline, one of the initiators of the campaign WITHOUT BULLYING, Lithuania

Panel discussion: Shifting focus of bullying prevention?

Robertas Povilaitis participated in organizing several international conferences on bullying prevention in Lithuania. He also participated in adapting the Norwegian Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and the Swedish Friends Program for Prevention of Bullying and other Forms of Degrading Treatment in Lithuania. He is a co-author of several methodological publications on bullying prevention. Robertas Povilaitis represents „Child Line” in the European Anti-bullying Network (EAN) and in the Nordic Network against Bullying (NABO).

Virpi Pöyhönen , PhD

Serves as a senior specialist at the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) in Finland.

Panel discussion: Shifting focus of bullying prevention?

Her role encompasses comprehensive anti-bullying efforts within MLL, covering both prevention and aftercare. Virpi is dedicated to advancing best practices in the field of bullying prevention and fostering connections between academia and practical implementation.


Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje"
Vaiku linijos logotipas
Be patyčių logotipas
Partneskap mot mobbing - partner - International conference "Bullying in ever-changing world" 2024 m.
Friends - partneris - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.
The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare - partneris - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.
Barnaheil - partneris - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.
Red Barnet - partneris - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.
folkhalsan - partneris - Tarptautinė konferencija "Patyčios besikeičiančiame pasaulyje" 2024 m.
Mary Fonden - partner - International conference "Bullying in ever-changing world" 2024 m.
skolelederforbundet logotipas
This Cooperation between Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Lithuania in prevention of bullying has been produced with the financial support from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The content of this project is the sole responsibility of the coordinators of this project and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
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